Future timeline of medicine

27 Sep 2021



Predictions for the future of health and medicine from 2017 - 2085 2017 - The world's first HIV vaccine is commercially available 2017 - Tooth regeneration is transforming dental care 2017 - Wireless implantable devices that monitor health real time 2017 - A new treatment for prostate cancer 2018 - Universal flu vaccine 2018 - Polio has been eradicated 2018 - A drug to prevent obesity 2019 - Bionic eyes with high resolution are commercially available 2019 - A vaccine to treat melanoma 2020 - A cure for malaria 2020 - Experiments yield major extensions in lifespan of mice 2020-2025 - Five-year survival rates for Hodgkin's lymphoma approach 100 2020 - Complex organ replacements grown from stem cells 2020 - The first stem cell therapy for congestive heart failure 2021 - Five-year survival rates for breast cancer approach 100 2021 - The world's first artificial kidney 2021 - Male birth control pills are entering the market 2023 - Brain implants to restore lost memories 2024 - Bio-electronics for treating arthritis are in common use 2025 - Medical nanobots are being developed 2025 - 3D-printed human organs 2025-2035 - Mouse revival from cryopreservation 2026 - Youthful regeneration of aging heart muscle via GDF-11 2026 - New treatments for Alzheimer's disease 2026 - Robotic hands matching human capabilities 2028 - Amputees can regrow lost limbs 2028 - Resurrection of several extinct species has been achieved 2031 - Stem cell pharmacies are commonplace 2033 - Five-year survival rates for kidney cancer approach 100 2034-2044 - Ectogenesis growth of embryos outside womb is possible transforming reproductive rights 2036 - Alzheimer's disease is fully curable 2036 - Hepatitis C has become a rare disease in the US 2036 - Bionic eyes surpassing human vision 2039 - Five-year survival rates for leukaemia approaching 100 2040 - Life expectancy for cystic fibrosis reaches 70 2041 - Annual deaths from cardiovascular disease reach negligible levels 2053 - Genetically engineered designer babies for the rich 2056 - Fully synthetic humans are becoming technically feasible 2057 - Handheld MRI-scanners 2065 - Longevity treatments able to halt aging 2070 - Five-year survival rates for liver cancer approach 100 2080 - Some humans are more non-biological than biological 2085 - Five-year survival rates for brain tumors approach 100 The information in this film

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