The Great Reset 3 Major Events Happening NOW

30 Sep 2021

The Great Reset | 3 Major Events Happening NOW. There are some events happening RIGHT NOW that is playing right into the Great Reset plan. If you take a look at some government policies that have been rolled out in California recently, you'll start to see the writings on the wall. Also, for the last year and some change, we have been under a mandate from a government organization halting all evictions. Not only that, we are seeing CRAZY things happen in the housing market currently. So in this video, I'm going to address these 3 major events that I feel are contributing to the Great Reset!

0:00 Intro
0:34 Quick breakdown of the great reset
1:20 Major event #1 of the great reset
2:30 Argument against government control
5:03 Major event #2 of the great reset
7:04 Major event #3 of the great reset
10:08 Final thoughts about the great reset

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