What Humans Will Look Like In 1 000 Years

27 Sep 2021



There will eventually be a day where prosthetics are no longer just for the disabled However it s not just our outside appearance that will change our genes will also evolve on microscopic levels to aid our survival For example an Oxford-led study discovered a group of HIV-infected children in South Africa living healthy lives It turns out they have a built-in defense against HIV that prevents the virus from advancing to AIDS And with gene-editing tools like CRISPR we may eventually control our genes and DNA to the point where we make ourselves immune to disease and even reverse the effects of aging Another way to jump-start the human evolution on a different path is to move some of us to Mars Mars receives 66 less sunlight than Earth Which could mean humans on Mars will evolve larger pupils that can absorb more light in order to see And since Mars gravitational pull is only 38 of Earth s people born on Mars might actually be taller than anyone on Earth In space the fluid that separates our vertebrae expands which led American aerospace engineer Robert Zubrin to suggest that Mars low gravity could allow the human spine to elongate enough to add a few extra inches to our height However not even a move to Mars could spark the biggest change in human evolution that we may have coming in the next 1 000 years immortality The path to immortality will likely require humans to download their consciousness into a machine Right now scientists in Italy and China are performing head transplants on animals to determine if you can transfer consciousness from one body to another They claim their next big step is to transplant human heads Whatever happens in the next 1 000 years whether we merge with machines or become them one thing is certain The human race is always changing and the faster we change and branch out from Earth the better chance we have of outrunning extinction Tech Insider tells you all you need to know about tech gadgets how-to's gaming science digital culture and more Subscribe

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